No one's asking you to not be who you've been. That's not what I'm doing when I issue invitations to healing, to love, to power, etc. You should know who you've been has brought you to this moment. The value and effort you've invested is seen and appreciated. When you drop unnecessary defense, you can accept invitations to real power. It stops being a threat.
What I am asking when I extend invitations is who you are. Who you decide to be now. How you'll answer a call.
I have policies for life. What elevates life into living is my willingness to decide from moment to moment. I know living requires me to acknowledge, analyze, process, and proceed. Constantly. Constant recalibration. I would never lie and say that there aren't times I don't have to reframe and reposition myself. I can grow tired like everyone else. But I don't feel like my life is a neverending uphill climb.
Since I'm aware that my past exists only in the form of artifacts, I know the power of my attention. Mental and physical artifacts are what ground your past into your present. How you relate those artifacts shapes your reality. (The breakdown: your past does not exist now, your memory of it does.) I am reminded of this whenever I am tempted to turn to regret for comfort.
Life demands active presence and anything less is something we cannot afford. When people ask when the right time to see me is, my response is usually some variation of "When you've had enough of not feeling like you have enough." When you're ready to drop frustration, fatigue, guilt, shame, anger, etc. When you're ready to stop coding life as difficult. When you don't want to be in defense more often than not. When you're ready to celebrate yourself without feeling like you're off-schedule, behind, or not enough.
I'm inviting people to better stewardship of personal power. It's never about dominion or attention-seeking. It's about anointed liberation. It's about being who you were sent here to be in full. Don't mistake invitations to play and explore as traps for lowered self-esteem. Think bigger. Feel more. I'm asking you to live.
Here are some invitations you can accept:
As always, there are open invitations for journeys into the self via the product suite for those seeking immediate assistance.